

Parenting tips & parenting information, parenting advice for each age and stage in your child's development.

Help Children while you are having an Affair

In almost every broken relationship, it's the children who become the forgotten victim. This is especially true if adultery is the cause of parents...

How To Start Feeding Your Baby – Baby Feeding Guide

If your baby is over 6 months then you must be planning to start feeding him/her some juices, solid food or cereal. First thing...

10 Common Pregnancy Problems – Pregnancy Complications & Complaints

Pregnancy is associated with some amount of discomfort but it may vary from person to person. No two women are identical. The common pregnancy problems can be easily tackled with awareness and your family support. Seek doctor’s advice if the situation becomes unbearable.

Spanking Can Have Detrimental Effect On Your Child’s IQ

Do you think you are probably doing the best thing by spanking your kid to prevent misbehavior? Probably only in short-term. Spanking has been...

How To Make Things Interesting For Your Kids

Parents are often seen forcing the decade old methods on their new age kids. Instead of pushing him/her to do something, learn how to...

Coping Up Aggressive Behavior of Kids?

Aggression and bullying are problematic behaviors in childhood. They cause immediate suffering and can have serious long- term effects. School dropout, unemployment, depression, anxiety,...

How to Discipline Your Child

As parents we lay the foundation of our child's journey to life. Desciplining your children is important to set him/her on right track. If...

Abuse, Hunger and Prostitution. What Else For Slumdogs?

You must have seen Slumdog Millionaire and the life they are living in countries like India (Asia) and Africa. They have shown the hope...

How To Mentally Prepare A Child To Accept Parents Second Marriage

One of the reasons why a lot of single parents or to-be-step-parents dread second marriage prospects is if the marriage involves kids from past...

Top Alarming Signs Of Infertility

Being unable to get pregnant is one of the most stressful things a woman can go through. Most of us, until we start trying-and...