Your home is your castle. It’s a safe and friendly space where you can be truly and completely relaxed and at ease with yourself. Whatever the world throws at you in your work, play and relationships, your home should be your one unbreachable place of reprieve. It’s sad, then, when people find themselves feeling like prisoners in their own homes. Whether you work from home and struggle to find the difficult balance between productivity and relaxation, whether you struggle to sleep at night or whether you just never quite feel comfortable in your own skin at home, it’s important to master your space and make your home the refuge of relaxation you deserve.

Clear away clutter

As godfather of interior design William Morris once said, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful”. Unfortunately, Mr. Morris didn’t live in the 21st century where collecting armfuls of clutter is an inevitable part of modern living. Nonetheless, it’s important to keep clutter under control as it invites a sense of chaos and imbalance into the home which can disrupt your relaxation.   

Keep it neutral

Color is key when it comes to interior design and while your personal proclivities may favor strong, bold colors that make a statement, it’s important to dedicate at least some space to creating a neutral environment in which you can relax and center yourself. Here you should aim for neutral colors and natural tones that subconsciously calm the mind. Blues, greens, greys, whites and beiges can all be incorporated in ways to suit your personal taste and style.

Use natural materials where you can

It’s scientifically proven that exposure to nature facilitates both concentration and relaxation. As such, if you have access to a view of plants, trees or fields then it’s important to make this central to your design concept. If, however, you live in a built-up, urban environment you can still harness this effect with using natural wood and stone in your decor and furnishings. Wooden indoor rocking chairs and stone mantle pieces are great aids to relaxation. Likewise, replacing bedding made from synthetic fibers with 100% cotton will make for a more restful bed.

Unlock the power of plants

You’d be astonished what a difference the judicious application of a few houseplants and flowers can make to creating a restful home. These bring a little piece of nature into your home; providing a soothing atmosphere as well as oxygenating the room, removing excess carbon dioxide and reducing airborne dust levels.

Compartmentalize your tech

Consumer technology is a ubiquitous reality of 21st century living and while the unparalleled connectivity of the modern world should be celebrated, it’s also important to know when and how to take a step back. Televisions, games consoles and even tablets should be kept away from the bedroom wherever possible as these present a source of distraction that compromises the serenity of this space. Make sure that your living space has specific areas in which tech can be used freely and in which it’s a no-go. This will allow you a retreat from the immediacy of the modern world and prevent it from impinging on your relaxation.