It’s your night out with your friends, and you have managed to get the hugest and probably the ugliest zit on your forehead. How is that for an awesome impression? You’re worried sick how all the eyes will be on you, nay your zit, and you are thinking of ditching the plan once and for all.

If all these thoughts are racing through your mind, don’t worry. We all have been there. So, is there any way out of this sticky situation?

Here are some beauty disasters and ways to combat it so that you remain a beauty and not turn into a beast!

Makeup Meltdown

While makeup meltdown sounds funny, it’s anything but that. You don’t want your foundation running down your chin and lipstick running onto your teeth like you just ate it!

Fortunately, there are loads of beauty products out there to help you perfect your face. From non-oily moisturizer to deep cleaning wash, you will find something to smooth your face. Head over here and find the perfect solution for your problem by browsing through this review.

Dress or a Pauper’s Rag?

You want to enjoy with your friends in the dazzling dress you got from the snazziest of the shop. Better not make it look all worn and wrinkled. Steam it the night before or iron it.

For a solution that’s amazingly creative, get hold of a stick tape and use it to keep the hemline of the dress in place.

Quick Fix Kit

Are you heading out to the party, throwing caution to wind? Or are you one of those who can’t step out without their tiny quick fix kit?

Your beauty kit should have the following items in it:

  • Blotting papers (They wipe off sweat without taking off makeup)
  • Breath mints
  • Safety pins
  • Sanitary pads
  • Perfume
  • Compact mirror
  • Toothpicks
  • Cell phone

Greasy Hair

Sweaty hair? Worry not. If you’ve been on the go and now have limp and sweaty hair strands, revive them up with the help of dry texturizing spray. This kind of spray takes up all the excess grease so that your mane looks and feels good like it was recently styled.

Tight Curls

You asked the hairstylist for loose curls but what she did is now making you look like an 1800’s character from ‘Pride and Prejudice.’ Is there any way you can fix this, without crying a river?

Yes, you can. Try your hand at a beach spray. This unravels the curls without letting frizz take over your hair.

The Bottom Line

From hair to dress to makeup, anything can go wrong in the nick of time but that’s what’s exciting about it: to have fun even without worrying about all the ups-and-downs of your party preparations. Armed with the best beauty products in your kit, look your best, feel your best, and own the party like no other! And if something goes wrong, keep in mind that those last-minute disasters are almost a 5-minute fix.

Eloise Slater has three daughters, the youngest now 18, making Eloise wonder where all the years went! She writes about lifestyle and parenting topics for a variety of blogs.