It doesn’t matter whether you’re single, taken, married, or a gigolo. Sex can get boring and redundant sometimes and it makes you thirst for a little adventure. For some people, they think that switching partners is the best way to remedy such discontent. But you do know how things like that end. The other partner soon finds out about the unfaithful rendezvous and everything else explodes just like that. You ruin your life, probably find someone else to blame for it, and blow things over on a whole different level. And then you do it again. When things are going great for you, you go ahead and do the same things all over again with your new partner – and your partner that, and your partner after that. It’s a vicious cyclea of sexual dissatisfaction that will never be satiated.

In the end, you find yourself even lonelier than you were yesterday. You find yourself more dissatisfied than you were with your previous relationship. And why is that? It’s because you’re going about this the wrong way. A new partner will never guarantee your sexual satisfaction. After all, you’re getting the same thing – just from a different person.

Even if you’re feeling bored lately, you should know that your boredom can never be cured just by changing partners (read more). Cheating is never an option – and it’s cruel. You’re hurting people, the same people you love, just because you want change. If you want change so badly, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a “change of partner.” You can liven up your sex life in more ways than one. Since we’re on the topic, why not start by trying out adult play?

What Is Adult Play?

Well, for starters, it’s the complete opposite of child’s play. Even as adults, we can still have fun you know. Only this time, our idea of fun is a little bit different – a little more physical, per se. As kids, we had Barbies to play with. As adults, we have real life sex dolls.

Yes, our idea of fun is playing around with flesh – sensual fun, in other words. If you’ve been looking for ways to spice up your adult life lately, then maybe this is it. No need to lie to your partner; no need to commit adulterous acts. Share with them your idea of fun. I’m sure they’ll be all up for it.

If you’re single, then adult play can help you let off some steam every once in a while. An all work and no play life can be pretty stressful; it can be aggravating, to say the least. With no one to warm you up at home after a long, stressful day at work, life can be hard. However, with some sexy toys to keep you company, life wouldn’t be so bad. I mean, this is a way to be perfectly happy even when you’re still single – and no, it doesn’t involve getting STD.

Just buy yourself a bunch of sex toys to keep you company during long, cold nights.

To all the women out there, I specifically suggest buying vibrating panties.

What Are Vibrating Panties?

I know it sounds a little bit ridiculous but vibrating panties are the real deal, you know. Let me tell you how it works.

Basically, according to Sex Toy Education, a device is inserted into your underwear (these are usually sold with the vibrator for a better fit) and it usually comes with a remote. When you or your partner presses the button on the remote, the device shakes you up. So the idea here is that you literally don’t know when the device is going to vibrate (except if you’re doing it to yourself) so it can be a pretty fun, thrilling, and sexy experience.

Most vibrating panties come with a remote that can connect to the device up to 20 meters away. If you’re husband and wife and you like to goof around from time to time, this is a great way to warm those cold nights. You can play a game of tag and whoever loses gets zapped – something like that. The best thing about this vibrating underwear is that it has the element of surprise. You never know when your clit is going to be shaken up so I think that adds more to the fun. Aside from vibrating panties, know that there are a lot more sex toys to choose from – regardless of whether you’re a guy or a gal. Just do your research. Better yet, if you know someone who’s into these things, seek their counsel. Don’t be shy! For all you know, everybody else is doing it. So why not try it out yourself?