Designer handbags are the favorites of any women, each lady shopping for these designer handbags always wants something unique and really catchy and probably that’s the reason why there are so many different types of designer handbags in the market.
When you think about about shopping a designer handbag the first major concern is the amount of money you need to put in. But if you find a designer handbag on sale, Bingo that’s what you ever wanted.
The below listed handbags are no doubt more expensive in fact very expensive than any other types of bags, if you look at their price tags you need to think twice before even thinking of buying them, normal people like you and me in such an economic slow down can’t even think to own one. These bags are not high priced without any reason or maybe priced a little exorbitant than it really should be, let’s check the reason for their high price.
Here are five of the most expensive designer handbags in the world.
1. Platinum handbag Ginza Tanaka : $2 million Valued at $ 2 million, because it is Created by Japanese designer Ginza Tanaka, the bag has been set with more than 2,000 diamonds.
2. Diamond Forever by Chanel : $261,000 The Chanel Diamond Forever Classic Bag is priced for $261,000 because its adorned with 3.56 carats made up of 334 diamonds, 18 carat white gold hardware, and white alligator skin.
3. Matte crocodile Hermes bag : $120,000 This This beautiful bag is valued at $120,000 because it is made from luxurious crocodile leather. The white gold clasp of this stunning tote is encrusted with a dazzling 10 carats of white diamonds.
4. Lana Marks Cleopatra Bag : $100,000 The Cleopatra Clutch is valued at $100,000 because this creation is dressed in metallic silver alligator suit with 1500 fully cut and faceted black and white diamonds set in an 18-carat white gold frame.
5. Leiber Precious Rose bag : $92,000 This handbag is Valued at $92,000 because its made in the shape of a perfect flower, the bag is made with 1,016 diamonds totaling 42.56 carats, 1,169 pink sapphires and 800 tourmalines.
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