Women’s Dayy

The international Women’s Day is the day to thank the biggest but the quietest influence in your life. Indeed a woman’s essence lies in her innate ability to care, love and sacrifice for the other. She plays an all-enveloping character of a mother, daughter, wife and sister as a friend, nurturer, guide and partner from time to time.

Emotional and vulnerable, sometimes erratic, sometimes serene, she displays a wonderful range of emotions from being patient to being extremely courageous in times of crisis. Take this opportunity to wish your mother, grandmother, wife, sister or aunt and make them feel loved. Doing that is not really difficult. Here are few tips:

In every form she loves, In every move she care.Pain she endures with ease, Smile that never seems to cease.

Listen To Her

Don’t be in a hurry to move out when she tells you something. However busy you may be, take out time to listen to her. Above all, don’t  just pretend to listen. Let her know that you really heard.

Let Her Be

For a day do not judge her from your standpoint. See her world the way she sees it. Even if her view point seems highly arguable matter! Try to understand that she is a unique person in her own right. If you cannot accept this fact the expensive gifts or outgoings wouldn’t really matter to her. If you can accept her for what she is, she will accept you all the more.

Give Her Your Notice & Appreciation

There are so many things that she does for you that enable you to smooth sail in your day-to-day life. Do you ever thank her? Tell her how proud you feel when she is with you. Don’t say it just once, say again and again.

Give Her Time

Find out what is important to her. If she wants to go out with her friends, for a shopping spree or may be visit her parents. Plan it to drop her and pick her up. Give her that long – pending hug or may be some freedom from work. Your concern will make her feel good and special.

What She Wants

It is important that you takes care of her just as she takes care of you. On your way back home give her a call ask her if there is anything you can buy for her. Your sincerity will touch her heart for sure.

Three Magical Words

I LOVE YOU the three little words means a lot to a woman. When she loves, she loves unconditionally so it is always important for her to know that she is loved too. Making her feel happy will make your world go round too.

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