Most women trying to fall pregnant are aware that in order to conceive there are two essential requirements: ovulation (which generally occurs mid-cycle) and intercourse that involves ejaculation inside the vagina.

Furthermore, almost everyone knows that if you’re currently using a form of contraception, like the Pill, you should stop this for baby-making purposes!

Many women try very hard to get pregnant and they follow lots of stupid stuff based on some myths so it’s better if we tell you  some not-so-obvious things to do that may help you along.

Timing of Sex

It’s pretty widely known that having sex around the time of ovulation will improve your likelihood of falling pregnant. However, there’s been considerable debate over how frequently couples who are trying to conceive should be ‘doing it’. This has left many wondering whether they should be making love at every possible opportunity (breakfast, lunch and dinner), or just once a month, when the timing is right.

While many couples believe that it’s best to reduce the frequency of intercourse during their fertile period in order to increase sperm supply, the latest research indicates that this may not be the most effective way to conceive. In fact, studies have found that, where the male has a normal sperm count, conception is more likely to occur if the couple has sex multiple times during their fertile window. It’s actually believed that frequent ejaculation substantially improves sperm quality and mobility without leading to a drastic reduction in sperm count.

Concentrate on the woman’s orgasm

Although you may be focused on conceiving, it’s important to keep your lovemaking joyous and pleasurable. This is not only crucial for your relationship, but it could also potentially impact your chances of conceiving. Some believe that pregnancy may be more likely to occur if the woman orgasms during intercourse, because it’s possible that the uterine contractions that occur during that pinnacle of pleasure may help to move the sperm to the fallopian tubes for fertilisation of the egg. Whether orgasmic sex will help fertility chances or not is still a controversial issue – but there’s no harm in trying!

Avoid Calculating Fertile Window

The task of charting your cycle and calculating your fertile window each month can be stressful, particularly if you’ve been doing it for a few months without pregnancy success. This stress and worry may manifest itself physically for you in the form of vaginal dryness during sex. But before you reach for a tube of lube, it’s important to note that studies have found that many commercial lubricants have the potential to harm sperm by affecting their viability (ability to survive) and their motility (ability to move). If you’re experiencing vaginal dryness, it’s best to discuss this with your doctor so that she can recommend an appropriate sperm-safe solution for you.

Cut the caffeine

Yes, there’s nothing quite like a cappuccino or two to get you through the day (particularly if you’ve been up all night trying for a bub!) But be aware that, according to Food Standards Australia New Zealand, drinking high amounts of caffeine can decrease your chances of falling pregnant. In addition, research has found that caffeine consumption may have an effect on sperm count and motility – and that the negative impact increases with the number of cups of coffee consumed each day.

When cutting down on your daily intake, remember that tea, cola drinks, chocolate and other products also contain caffeine.

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