

Learn how to keep the romance alive in your marriage or relationship. Learn how to save marriage, marital counseling, relationship problems, marriage & relationship advice.

6 Tips for Making a Long-Distance Relationship Work: Do You Believe?

Statistically, 14 to 15 million people in the United States claim to be in a long-distance relationship. Although many find themselves in...

How to Find Mr Right As Mr Perfect Is A Myth

We understand your dilemma of finding Mr. Right or Mr. Perfect. Study suggests that almost 55% females ends up searching "Why it's so difficult...

Does In-Laws Living Apart Is Relief?

It is very well said and known that marriages are made in  heaven, agreed! But what about in-laws do we can't have any option...

Top 4 Tips to Torture (Tease) Your Husband

Well, to most women this happens to be a mystery and they wonder why their men are not as interested in them as they...

Personal Traits and Physical Attributes Women Fall For

Along with love at first sight, there is another type of love that can be roughly described as love born from first impression and...

Choosing A Gift For The Man In Your Life

Choosing a gift for the man in your life just got a whole lot easier, with the help of gettingpersonal. This user-friendly website will...
6 Thoughtful and Beautiful Anniversary Gifts for Your Loved One

6 Thoughtful and Beautiful Anniversary Gifts for Your Loved One

Whether it be a wedding anniversary, a first date anniversary, or the celebration of a day of the year that is special...

Are you reluctant to repeat your Special Moments?

Remember when you meet your wife, your fist day out, weeding bells ringing, your honeymoon, sweet romantic moments, but aren't these moments are missing...
Adding Excitement and Fun to Your Physical Relationship

Adding Excitement and Fun to Your Physical Relationship

When it comes to a healthy relationship, there are various factors that have to be considered. In order to enjoy a healthy...

How To Say NO To A Violent Relationship & Stop Abusive...

Domestic violence is no longer restricted to areas where the man was not educated or the partners did not know their rights. Domestic violence...